Tagged with United State

Originally posted on World Politics Blues:
The Drones are a powerful band on many levels.  One of their powers in my case, is that they helped me get over my case of cultural cringe (the belief that Australian cultural products are inherently inferior to those produced overseas, particularly in Europe and the United States). The…

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A World On The Verge Of War?

The question has to be ask today has World War 3  started and this post sums it  up well.Do you agree or do you think peace will hold? Here is a summary of where the world stands: Unable to reach a compromise over the weekend, South Africa is now in an all out labor strike, … Continue reading

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Originally posted on PN:
Screenshot “Innocence of Muslims” by Madison Ruppert, Contributor Activist Post September 14, 2012 The details surrounding the Innocence of Muslims film – which some are now saying doesn’t even exist as a completed work – continue to get increasingly strange as the days go by. We now know that the man…

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Originally posted on ramblingjohnhour:
Today I am going to address a key hub in the conspiracy theory community.  Someone who is one of the main conveyors and perpetrators behind many of the September 11th, Police State, Illuminati,Banking,Obama,Government, conspiracies.   A supposed key advocate behind the NWO, our very own Alex Jones.   I was at one point an Alex Jones listener…

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Wake up or your screwed !

Wake up or your screwed !

Waking up.10 Signs That You’re Fully Awake The world keeps turning the rapture has yet to take us we still find ourselves in the daily fight against “The Man“. Those of us that have been awakened and have been researching the many different events and the conspiracies that have been and are being concealed see … Continue reading

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We got furious fast!

We got furious fast!

  HOLDER’S DOJ THREATENS WHISTLEBLOWERS Border Patrol Union Blasts Homeland Security Instruction to ‘Run Away’ and “Hide’ from Gunmen! – FoxNews.com Fast and furious is the chant we hear. Main stream media has found a new dog to flog over the airways but as is usual they are a little late. Reporter Mike Vanderboegh was … Continue reading

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Barry Obama …Barack Sentoro …..Who are you?

Barry Obama …Barack Sentoro …..Who are you?

  A Special Message From the President of the United States As the months and years go by the life of President Barak Hussein Obama becomes more complex and increasingly scrutinized. A personal history that involves muddy definitions of citizenship, strange family ties and some would say outright lies. So who is the leader of … Continue reading

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A Brief bit of Bilderberg.

The next annual meeting of the Bilderberg is just around the corner. The mainstream media had in the past denied the existence of said group but are now covering this. The stories, rumor and gossip that surround Bilderberg range from the credible to the ridiculous. So who are this group, what do they do and … Continue reading

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Anonymous is the group which has been accused of and called many things in relation to computer infiltration, hacking and  hacktivism. This collective of international hackers is much more than a group it is a way of life. Anonymous has taken hacking into the form of social activism. Their trademark Guy Fawkes mask were a … Continue reading

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Global arms sales on the rise.

SO the number of arms and weapons in both private and military hands is on the rise. Weapons sales to military by the largest world’s arms companies are continuing to rise and now have reached a level of $400bn. Oshkosh a US company has recorded an 87% sales increase. Sales by Vertolety Rossii, a Russian … Continue reading

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