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Wake up or your screwed !

Wake up or your screwed !

Waking up.10 Signs That You’re Fully Awake The world keeps turning the rapture has yet to take us we still find ourselves in the daily fight against “The Man“. Those of us that have been awakened and have been researching the many different events and the conspiracies that have been and are being concealed see … Continue reading

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Originally posted on John Malcolm:
Olympic Verdict Places British Residents Under Military Rule Indefinitely By Patrick Henningsen and Daisy Jones | July 27, 2012 | Infowars.com It’s official: an Englishman’s home is no longer his castle. In a move that is hardly witnessed in wartime, let alone in peacetime, the UK’s military establishment has been given the green…

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Dark dealings in Denver.(updated)

Dark dealings in Denver.(updated)

  Elites Heading Underground For The Last 3 Months (Video) Thursday, August 16, 2012. All the rainbow symbology, olympics, skittle, trayvon martin, chick fila leads to DIA. Plastic bag is a fema coffin reference as well as “containment” Going underground. I believe they have (at the olympics) or are soon going to use the ebola … Continue reading

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Human beings, version 2.0.

Originally posted on John Malcolm:
Source: VoucherCodes.co.uk Related Articles Glove One is a 3D-Printed Glove that Doubles as a Cellphone by Bryan Cera (inhabitat.com) Better for the wear (bostonherald.com) Badge: Industry Analysis- Technology Cartographer (ericanjones6745.wordpress.com) Wearable Technology Workshops at The MOMA (craftzine.com) VIDEO: The next generation of wearable tech (news.bbc.co.uk) Glove One: A Wearable Phone…

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S”cool” today.

Today’s ever changing face of education. We all hear people say it “never in my day” and it is usually used when referring to today’s education systems. Teachers warn of online threats from pupils. The world in which we live today is hugely different to the world in which we were raised but I would … Continue reading

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Well now we Know why they always shout “order”

Originally posted on Kicking Sport:
Borat models Stella McCartney designer Team GB beach volleyball kit for us British taxpayers are set to cough up even more in costs for the London Olympic Games this year after organisers announced they felt the need to hire national anthem consultants to ensure they do not embarrass themselves in…

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N.W.O. Agenda 21.There is a plan.

the secret chiefs would like to remind you to … Eugenics – Toxic Meat Glue of the Elite Agenda Water, the next flash-point: tensions rising in the Middle East over shrinking war supplies

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New U.S ‘naked, masturbating’ Kony seeking missile.

The filmmaker responsible for the kony 2012 video is in hospital after a naked run and public masturbation session. Jason Russell was captured by police and placed in hospital care, they say his bizarre behavior was due to exhaustion and this drove him to display some extremely odd behavior “odd you say” REALLY! Invisible Children … Continue reading

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New World Order…..maybe this is how it works!

When leaders meet and topics are discussed, do we really get what we want or is it what they need money, power, weapons and us. We are as much of commodity as oil …think about it. UPDATED:The Shadow Government Goes Public! Invisible Empire – A New World Order Defined The GovernCorp Board Meeting The Globalist-Communist … Continue reading

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