Posted on 12/09/2012

Originally posted on Dear Kitty. Some blog:
This is a video of an armed Ansar al Sharia demonstration in Benghazi, Libya, in June this year. It was deleted by YouTube. Here is another video about that subject, still on YouTube. From ABC News in the USA: U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens Killed in Consulate…

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One million people commit suicide each year: WHO

One million people commit suicide each year: WHO

There are 1.8 deaths every second; that equates to 155,520 deaths a day. Over 0.15 million people die per day, 107 deaths per minute and 1.8 death per second. Exact deaths per day 155520. One million people choose to die by their own hand each year, this accounts for more deaths than wars and murders!! … Continue reading

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