Posted on 11/09/2012

MSM, The last gasps of the lie machine. (update)

MSM, The last gasps of the lie machine. (update)

BBC  strikes again. In a story that can only fit into the camp of propaganda for a war in Syria, a family has been paraded for the news cameras.What happened to this family is tragic (what ever it may have been) they are all victims of a fire. I just question the cause of the fire, the reports … Continue reading

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Anniversary of the Biggest lie 9/11

Anniversary of the Biggest lie 9/11

My own words could not bring Justice to this article so here are some of the best from around the web.My only hope is that more see what really happened on that horrific day. by Zen Gardner Another 9/11 anniversary is upon us. When one stands back in conscious awareness of the stark Truth of that … Continue reading

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