7 thoughts on “Mayor Bloomberg Says Cops Should Go On Strike Until Americans Give Up Their Guns

  1. Maybe, as always we should treat Bloomberg’s comments for what they are. Idiotic.

    Having seen many police officers in the US behave, since Rodney King, with increasing brutality and aggression, maybe the public would be better protecting themselves. You know, there is an elected office, an ancient one. Sheriff, many of these fine and accountable men stand up daily for their communities against federal autocracy. They may not ride around in Swat vans, they may not gas legitimate protesters with apparent impunity. However, in the vast majority of cases, they are fine people.

    All western police forces are now para military. A tool of oppression. With a very few exceptions they are unthinking brutes. Protect?

  2. Sheriff Joe Arpaio did his part to expose the truth and in doing so made the office of Sheriff very unpopular with the higher ups.
    If they were a strike I think we would see a split.The police officers that are loyal to the oppressive system and those that really want to protect and serve.

  3. Bloomingfoolberg, is a ‘radical’ liberal, who on a few occasions, might fall over something that’s appropriate. But after he immediately tryied to blame the ‘New York car bomb’ (which didn’t explode) on the Tea Party, he’s gone over the edge on radical stupidity.
    It’s ILLEGAL for cops to strike, which was an asinine idea to begin with. How is this fool still Mayor….
    He gets 4 thumb downs.

  4. All liberal blunders and “step in its'” are dutifully ignored by biased news outlets, less they’re followers be confused with facts.
    thank you… I love cheese. ;]

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